Tendonitis is the condition resulting from the irritation or inflammation of the tendons (the thick cords that join the muscles to the bones). This condition causes pain and tenderness that makes it difficult to move the affected joint.
In relation to the foot, it is the Achilles tendon that can develop tendonitis thus causing pain along the back of the leg near the heel (particularly when taking the first steps of the day or after long periods of rest).
Tendonitis is quite common in runners, particularly if they’ve increased the intensity or duration of their runs. Other contributing factors include exercising without properly warming up; playing sports that require quick stops and changes of direction like tennis; wearing old or ill-fitting footwear, and wearing heels for prolonged periods of time Rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes are also linked to tendonitis.
BAREFOOTSCIENCE™ exists to make painless feet a permanent fixture across the globe. Our rehabilitative in-shoe insole system promotes a balance of strength and flexibility in the foot and legs muscles that relieves tension on the Achilles tendon, protecting it and the calf muscles from injury.
Pain and dysfunction is caused by muscle weakness - so it follows that strengthening is the path to wellness. The best athletes in the world know that to strengthen your body - you have to train.
Everything from balance, stability, movement and musculoskeletal alignment begins with the feet. Atrophied muscles are directly related to flat feet, overpronation, plantar fasciitis, tendonitis, shin splints, bunions, heel spurs, foot, ankle, knee, hip, lower and upper back, shoulder pain, and arthritis. BAREFOOTSCIENCE™ activates the foot muscles with each and every step, naturally building strength over time - improving these conditions.
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