BAREFOOTSCIENCE™ and Metatarsalgia
Does this sound like you: sharp, aching or burning pain in the ball of the foot (the part of the sole just behind the toes); pain that worsens when standing, walking, running or flexing the feet; sharp or shooting pain, numbness or tingling in the toes and/or the feeling of having a pebble in your shoe?
If any of these symptoms sound familiar, you may be suffering from metatarsalgia.
Pain and inflammation at the ball of the foot (known as the metatarsal) is referred to as metatarsalgia. This type of foot condition is most prevalent in people who participate in high impact sports or activities that involve running or jumping, those who have high arches, individuals with foot deformities (such as hammertoe or bunions<like to page>), those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis or gout, and it can also develop from years of wearing poorly fitted shoes.
BAREFOOTSCIENCE™ exists to make painless feet a permanent fixture across the globe. Our patented, foot strengthening insoles feature a dome contour that help to open up the affected area through gentle pressure - thus reducing pain. Our insoles also assist with shock absorption and arch stimulating support to help to minimize problems with metatarsalgia. BAREFOOTSCIENCE™ insoles safely strengthen and stimulate the muscles and nerves from within the shoe with every step you take.
BAREFOOTSCIENCE™ is an intelligent solution to an age-old problem. Pain and dysfunction in the feet is caused by muscle weakness, so it follows that strengthening is the path to wellness. Our patented foot strengthening and arch stimulating system encourages the foot to work, increasing circulation and making the muscles stronger.
Invest in your health. Start your healing journey with BAREFOOTSCIENCE™ today!
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